Our head office in Lyon

33 Cours Albert Thomas, F-69003 LYON (France)

Telephone : +33 (0)4 72 71 15 95

SIRET: 44073323600069 – VAT: FR92440733236


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Join our network

Our agency is expanding and so is our network.
We are always on the lookout for new talent: what are you waiting for?

  • Employment
  • Internship
  • Freelance work

If you fancy the idea of joining our in-house team, please submit an application using the form below.

As an industry leader, we maintain close relationships with professional and higher education establishments and invest in the next generation of language services professionals.

We welcome applications for internships in translation & proofreading, project management and business development.

Over the Word is always on the lookout for new language experts. We place a high value in cultivating real relationships with reliable freelance translators and, since we work in highly specialised fields, our operations rely on this solid network of language professionals to complement our in-house teams. If you possess the background, skills and training to join this select network of translators and proofreaders, send us your application.


  • Specialisation in finance, law, corporate communications or related fields.
  • Priority language combinations: English/German to French and French to English. Other priority combinations:
    • French/English to Italian
    • French/English to German
    • French/English to Spanish
    • French/English to Dutch
    • French/English to Portuguese
  • Types de fichiers acceptés : pdf, doc, docx.

Vous êtes intéressés par nos services ?

Contactez-nous afin que nous établissions ensemble votre projet.

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